Inventory Management
We know that inventory management is a critical element to the success of your business.
From the moment your goods arrive at our warehouse, we verify, count, document, control, report and track them
via our own computerized inventory management software with a sophisticated barcode technology.
Every single item stored in our facilities is affixed with a unique barcode and scanned into our tracking system. Not
only does it ensure the utmost accuracy and efficiency in pick-and-pack operations, it also provides our clients real time,
comprehensive access to their product activity via Orillia Storage Web Portal service.
Our inventory management services includes as follow:
Standard management reporting of labour, inventory, receiving, planned receipts, and back-orders.
KPI tracking and reporting.
Product recall management.
Replenishment trigger.
Backorder prioritization.
Inventory control and cycle counting
Cross dock planning and coordination (as required).
Serial/Lot number tracking, both inbound and outbound.
Kit assembly.
Returns management.
Replenishment of forward stocking locations.
To inquire more about inventory management, complete the Inquire Info Form or feel freely to speak our lead
associate below by phone call for more information.
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